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Tips to eat cheap

Now we have another important point that we must cover economically before embarking on a journey, which is food! Many will say that when you travel the easiest option is to choose fruits, bread, and water. Obviously, that is not the healthiest thing for our body, which we must take care of if we do not want to get sick and ruin our trip.

Let's begin, the option that can be found in almost all cities (if not all) are the street vendors. I must admit that for a long time I resisted them because I was afraid that because of the poor hygiene or poor condition of food, I ended up having a hard time. But in the last trips, I have left that fear behind, and I have begun to use them. We must be honest, although the food is usually not of the best quality, it is still a good option to keep us fed at a low price. For example, in the case of Peru, you can find a dish called 'stuffed potato,' although in appearance does not look like much, it ends up leaving you satisfied.

Another good option that you find in most of the cities is something called 'menu del dia' (a concept of chip food dish). It is an economical option that I usually use when traveling. In the menu of the day you can not choose, it is the dish that the restaurant is offering at that time. These options usually consist of a starter, main course, even dessert.

One of my favorite ways to eat when traveling is the local markets or places where the local population is concentrated. If you do not like places filled with tourists, this is your place. In the Markets is where the local people usually get together, they try the real food, and it is certainly much cheaper.

Finally, an option is fast food, for a backpacker type trip can be a good choice. For example, in Latin American countries like Peru, you will find many fast food places, as well as the classic international chains that are almost in every corner of the planet like McDonald's, Burger King, Subway, among many others.

In short, what I mean is that these tips should be applied together, one just probably does not make much difference. I do not want you to think that I am saying that you do not try a typical ice cream of the place or drink that is only there. But those options and tastes that you can get in your city avoid it and save money so that you can consume it when you return.

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